Historia de Hill View Montessori
Hill View Montessori Charter Public School, located in Haverhill Massachusetts, is a public charter school that provides urban students in grades K-8 with a tuition-free, public, Montessori education. Hill View Montessori was awarded its charter in 2003 and opened the following year with 120 students in grades K-3. Each subsequent year an additional grade has been added so that full enrollment of 296 students with a K-8 grade span was reached in 2010.
The school was founded by a volunteer group of educators, parents and city activists who had met through their children’s pre-school. The founding group believed in the value of Montessori education and worked earnestly to make public Montessori education available to all children in Haverhill regardless of socioeconomic status or educational background.
As a Montessori school, Hill View Montessori offers its students differentiated curriculum and instruction in multi-age classrooms. Learning is maximized by teaching to student’s individual academic level and by leveraging each child’s unique learning style. Classrooms are stocked with a complete complement of scientifically-designed Montessori manipulatives and resource materials to facilitate inquiry and provide a concrete understanding of abstract concepts. Hill View is also committed to character education and integrates this into the Montessori classroom with ongoing lessons in grace, courtesy, respect and responsibility.
HVM School Founders:
Paul Accardi
Margaret Albanese
Janet Begin
Alison Caruso
Susan Henry
Erik Ingersoll
Nancy London
Kelly Martin
Suzanne Rogers
Sarah Titus-Smith